Ford Transit help please

15 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I have just brought a v reg ford transit diesel. The owner said he had run the diesel right down and a light was flashing on the dash board because there was a little crap going through a filter i think. He told me to fill it up with Diesel as soon as possible but i got a bit lost and when i eventually filled it up, i noticed the light was on all the time.

I rang the lad to see if it needed oil but he said no he had just changed it for the sale and said i need to take the cover off a filter and empty the crap out and the light will go off.

I have not got a clue about this and he said its a 2 minute job. Does this make sense and if it does can someone explain what i have to do. Apparently the top just clips off and you an empty it.

Please help anyone
Thanks in advance
The filter is located on the left hand of the engine looking from the front. It is behind the alternator and above the starter motor. The filter is a throw away unit, you cannot clean it out. They only cost about £3 or £4.

At the top of the housing there is a triangular black plastic nut, undoing the nut expands a metal clip which fits around the filter, replacement is a straight forward reversal of removal. Be sure to push the filter all the way against the housing and turn it to check it is seating OK before finally tightening.

You may have to turn the van over for a while to bleed the system, if the van doesn't start after a minute or so check you have filter seating properly. The van won't start with air leaks from here.

I would not do this job over a clean drive, diesel stinks and stains your drive.

I am suprised the owner knew the fault straight away, this is not a filter which you would often change, if you have any more problems check the tank isn't full of c**p.