Anybody like me on a Freeview relay transmitter where yesterday's retune was a downgrade?
We already received less channels than people on a main transmitter did and after yesterday's downgrade we receive less. I do not understand why "relay transmitter" doesn't mean just that - it relays what the main transmitter carries. I can't find out if it is caused by lack of investment / poor planning by Freeview so the transmitters do not have the required capacity or because of the commercial structure of the operation. If it is a commercial issue I feel the contracts should be restructured so if a channel wants to come under the Freeview umbrella it must be prepared to give a complete service.
It seems to be another example like broadband where the rural population doesn't matter and the digital revolution is allowed to pass us by. I feel a campaign coming on.
If that wasn't enough, today I got a message on my Freesat fro Sky connection saying I needed a new viewing card. I thought the £20 I had paid was for ever (the clue is in the name - free) but now they want another £20 or I lose channels.
Just been watching Electronic Dreams in a 70's house, looks like I'm heading that way, where did I leave those flares?
We already received less channels than people on a main transmitter did and after yesterday's downgrade we receive less. I do not understand why "relay transmitter" doesn't mean just that - it relays what the main transmitter carries. I can't find out if it is caused by lack of investment / poor planning by Freeview so the transmitters do not have the required capacity or because of the commercial structure of the operation. If it is a commercial issue I feel the contracts should be restructured so if a channel wants to come under the Freeview umbrella it must be prepared to give a complete service.
It seems to be another example like broadband where the rural population doesn't matter and the digital revolution is allowed to pass us by. I feel a campaign coming on.
If that wasn't enough, today I got a message on my Freesat fro Sky connection saying I needed a new viewing card. I thought the £20 I had paid was for ever (the clue is in the name - free) but now they want another £20 or I lose channels.
Just been watching Electronic Dreams in a 70's house, looks like I'm heading that way, where did I leave those flares?