G mail sometimes not receiving from just one sender

7 Sep 2008
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United Kingdom
A company I use is sending me emails that I'm rarely getting. I do get the occasional one, but most don't get through. If I email them my messages (usually with attachments) are flagged up as potentially dangerous (!) but they are received. When their IT people check what I've sent there's absolutely no problem. Occasionally their messages are sent to my Spam folder, but not always. I've noticed that they are signed by gappssmpt.com (several different individual senders). It's Gmail using the web interface. Any idea what's going on? I've checked all my folders, including All Mail and Trash, and they're not there. All my other mail is getting through normally. As an experiment I asked them to send a message to my wife's email (BT) and that never arrived either. I suspect that the issue is at their end.
I wonder If Gmail is flagging that company as a spam address and filtering email out. Google blocks millions of spam emails. You never see them.

Businesses or people that need to see all emails buy a domain just for the email address. They own it unlike Gmail. I know a guy that sent a few thousand emails using Gmail and his entire Google account closed as was considered a spamming account. He could not get it back.

Oddly. My accountant emails me and nothing I can do to stop it going to the spam folder.
Small companies using their own mail server suffer from this kind of anti-competitive behaviour. Not much they can do. They can try commercial email server providers. Mailgun is one such service. For small amount of mail, it's free. Resorting to web-site based messaging is also a possibility.