Gable to gable roof detail

19 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
Hi. I am nearly ready to start the roof on my extension and just wanted to get the installation clear in my head. I'm fairly confident about installing the wall plate, trusses, strapping and even things like membrane, battens etc.

The part i'm trying to get my head around is the detail where the ridge of the smaller roof joins the underside of the larger roof. See my pic...


The overhang of the larger roof (soffit) is 300mm.

Do the ridge tiles for the smaller roof start from the bargeboard or should they go under the overhang of the larger roof?

Is there a preferred way of creating a seal between the ridge tile and the bargeboard?

Hope i've explained that properly!
You cut back the verge, barge and soffit of the taller building. The low roof coverings then need to abut the taller building along with the flashings etc. You then reinstate the soffit and barge so that it just touches the lower roof items i.e. ridge, flashing, tiles etc.
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Oh look, here's one we made earlier......

[GALLERY=media, 103101]Butted by noseall posted 1 Aug 2019 at 6:06 AM[/GALLERY]
I'm pretty certain that the ridge tile had to finish shy of the building because it clashes with the tile above on the other side. However, the lead saddle covers the peak. (y)
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I see, so i didn't think about the lead saddle, didn't think i'd need it as it's well under the larger roof although that would make sense now. Thank you noseall.
Oh look, here's one we made earlier......

[GALLERY=media, 103101]Butted by noseall posted 1 Aug 2019 at 6:06 AM[/GALLERY]
I'm pretty certain that the ridge tile had to finish shy of the building because it clashes with the tile above on the other side. However, the lead saddle covers the peak. (y)
@noseall Hi, do you have any pics of the lead detail for the ridge where it meets the original roof tiles?
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