Galaxy Dimension 96 - Two Bell Boxes Wiring Clarification

17 Jun 2018
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

I have a Galaxy Dimension 96 installed and set up which is fully operational apart from the external bell boxes.

The two bell boxes are both Pyronix, Different models hence only one has the ability to disable the back light.

I am able to wire them to either the main panel or to a closer RIO. (Which i would prefer to do)
I have put together the schematic below showing how i think it would be wired.

I would be grateful if those with more experience than me could check it over?
p.s. do you feel i need to set the front bellbox as SCB as opposed to SAB?

Thanks in advance

If it was me ....wire one bellbox to the panel and the other to the rio ...separate tamper indications and less load on one output ...
Thanks for the suggestion.
A lot easier and allows identification of the bell box if any future fault occurs