Garden box/bench

29 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom
I'm looking at repairing a box/bench that we from a flower bed.

Previously it was full of soil and we put some OSB board on top but over time it's crumbled and I guess it's because of the moisture.

I'm just trying to think of the most cost effective way of doing it now. I was going to remove all the soil and build up a framework but the soil is making a nice base and could be a pain to get ride of it. At the moment I'm thinking of something like gravel boards unless there is a different type of sheet wood I could use.

It's only an area of 1.6m by 43cm
I don't at the moment I'm afraid but it's just effectively a block planter that's been added onto the back of the steps with coping stones on top.

The OSB board worked with a cushion on top but just rotted and hoping there is something I can put on top that won't rot without having to take all the soil out and finding a way to dump it
Ok I've got some treated rough sawn timber which has done the job and the same as I used a few years back for a rose bed.

I understand I should protect the uncut edges but can I get away with something like Ronseal woodstain or do I need some preserve first?

Just got some varnish my dad had left over so hopefully that will help before I put that wood stain on it