Since the Manchester court case most electricians either specialise in automated gates or will not touch them. The same applies to garage doors, and my father-in-law got an automated garage door, idea clearly was to close the door before walking into the house, but he had the remote control mounted on the hall wall so would press it as he walked in.
The result was he was not viewing the door when it closed, he did once trap a cat in the garage, and the manual release needed a key, so really not very cleaver.
The first thing reading the instructions is and it uses 433 Mhz right in the middle of the ham band. I know I hardly use the band any more, so where I live unlikely to be a problem. However Essex is rather flat, so the worry is what safe guards are in place to stop it working when not safe to do so.
So you need to call the installer, you need a service plan or other name is get out of jail free card, let them do any mod, so if anything goes wrong your not the guy in court.