Grainy IIyama Monitor


27 Jul 2014
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United Kingdom
Have had a IIyama ProLite B2409HDS for a number of years now and it's been great.
However, recently since my youngest son has been messing around connecting and disconnecting his Xbox I now have this nasty grainy effect on the screen.
Have tried both D connector and HDMI and still get the same problem. I did ensure the monitor was set the respective input and also tried Auto.
Any ideas what else I can try?
Bit concerned his heavy handed fiddling has damaged the monitor in some way.
Thanks in advance.
Can you describe this grainy effect? Do you get it with different input, such as your son's Xbox?
Can you describe the grainy effect? Is it more 'coarse' or do you get random colourful pixels on it?
Digital signals don't get noise like you used to with VGA. If you've tried different sources and different cables that means the issue has to be at the monitor end.

It could be some setting such as video mode that's being applied, that wouldn't always be overwritten by a factory reset. No good ideas i'm afraid.
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Noise and coarse implies it could be trying to over-process the image. Check the resolution output on your computer and also check the picture mode and that ACR is off.
Noise and coarse implies it could be trying to over-process the image. Check the resolution output on your computer and also check the picture mode and that ACR is off.
thanks. will try when I get home