Hijacked posts

18 Oct 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hijacked posts are annoying to everyone.

Would it be possible to have a "Hijacked Post" reason in the Alert Moderators screen? The Moderator could then inform the hijacker that he had broken the rules and, if possible, automatically start a new post.
:idea: Wouldn't it be easier to write "Hi-jacked post" in the Alert Moderators section
:idea: Wouldn't it be easier to write "Hi-jacked post" in the Alert Moderators section

Possibly, but the important thing is that something is done about it; i.e. the parasite is removed from the host and a new post started.
Hijacked posts are annoying to everyone.

Speaking for myself, I never go out of my way to highjack a post originated by another member and I doubt if the vast majority of registered members do so either. It's a bit like Chinese Whispers, someone introduces a topic and somewhere along the line something is said that leads people off in the wrong direction. For example, I introduced a topic on the eating of horsemeat this morning and the chat is now about having barbecued guinea pigs for tea. From there it could go to looking after pets in general or to why we keep pets at all. So what? It can be most entertaining.

If a topic originated by you goes off track and it annoys you, why not post a reply to your own post and get it right back on again. And if at first you don't succeed....................
Speaking for myself, I never go out of my way to highjack a post originated by another member and I doubt if the vast majority of registered members do so either.

I am sure you are right, but it can be very annoying when trying to help an OP resolve a problem and Joe Hijacker butts in with "I've got a similar (never the same) problem, can you help me?" So you tell him to clear off ands start a new topic and what does he do but come back and argue that it's not a new topic, it's the same as his problem is similar. :x

My proposal is that as soon as a hijack occurs, a member alerts the Moderator who notifies the hijacker and starts a new thread for him. This is similar to posts which start in the wrong forum. The original topic is not corrupted and the hijacker will probably get a more relevant answer.
I stand corrected. Since I can never give advice on DIY matters other than pass on advice that I've been given, I am not in the position to pass an opinion on your highjacking problem. When I have asked for help and that's been on many' many occasions, I haven't so far, encountered a highjacking attempt.
I think we should have a similar button for reporting jokes that aren't funny enough.
I think we should have a similar button for reporting jokes that aren't funny enough.

At the time of keying in the forum had 233 guests. Some of them will see how the experienced contributors treat a member who has been with us for a month. The guy is clearly concerned and yet you highjack his highjacking post. What on earth will the 'onlookers' think?
let's hope they don't look into the Plumbers' forum