Hive receiver flashing multicoloured

1 Aug 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi all, some help please, I have a hot water tank and Central heating, purchased a Hive Active Heating and Hot Water system. I removed the Drayton LP722 programmer and replaced the wiring like for like on the new Give backplate.

Two single core and a multi core in neutral, two single core in live, nothing in 1 and 2, a single core in 3 and another single core in 4 with a single and multi core in earth.

I was on the phone to Hive support when I turned the receiver back on and it flashed multi coloured, amber in the middle with a bit of (don't recall which way around? Red at the top and green at the bottom or vice versa. The guy from technical support said it's not to supposed to do that, emailed me the bit from the Hive instructions about wiring then hung up! Screenshot_20210731-170945.png

Is there any reason the current wiring arrangement shouldn't work? Do I need to get aGas Engineer to redo it? Thanks
If you post a pic of the inside of the old Drayton (where it shows the function of each terminal) then the problem may become apparent. The colours of the wires mean nothing...
Flashing Amber is normally the Receiver searching for the Hub and Thermostat in order to establish making a wireless connection between them. Green is success and Red is failure. The lights are an internal part of the Hive system and nothing to do with the external wiring. If the items don't communicate, you may have to move their locations.

You don't give much to go on, but once you get the comms between the devices established, if it's still not working, here are some suggestions that have helped others before:

The Drayton should fit on the Hive Backplate. You could pop it back on and see if the heating & hot water work as they should. If it does the wiring is fine.

You do have actually have the Dual Channel version of the Hive Receiver, the one with two buttons and two lights on the front.

The wiring depends upon the type of system that the Hive is connected too. There are wires in the Hive terminals where I would expect to see them [L,N,3,4] for a fully pumped system with two, 2-Port motorised valves. If the system isn't fully pumped the wiring could still be correct but the Hive should be set to 'gravity fed mode'.

If your system has a 3-Port valve there should also be a wire in terminal 1. However, if there wasn't a wire connected there with the Drayton and it worked OK, you won't need one now.

You don't mention if you had an original room thermostat connected to the Drayton LP722 or not. If you did it will need to be either left in place and set to 'maximum' to stop it interfering with the Hive. Or if you want to remove it, a wiring modification would need to be made to complete the circuit. It can't be simply disconnected otherwise the heating won't work
So I put the old back plate on to refit the Drayton, thanks to the bits the stick out of the side of the Hive one it didn't fit them refitted the Drayton which worked perfectly. Today I took the Drayton off and put the Hive on the old backplate and all is good, it works fine all connected, thanks.