Hi All, can you help?
My tumble dryer water container isn't collecting all of the water from the machine therefore water is pooling in the chamber. Any ideas as to why this is happening and what I can do about it? Many thanks. Nick
all condensor dryers clog up with the fluff that gets damp during the condensing phase, this would most likely be your issue
It could be the pump blocked up or any of the feeding pipes.
Even if you fully strip the appliance down and thoroughly clean it, it will happen again and again
Hotpoint had a massive issue with their condensers, not sure what model it was. Check this site: https://safety.hotpoint.eu/controller?a=pr&country=UK&lang=en_GB
My advice, don't bother with any attempt at repair, get rid and get a normal venting tumbler, Bosch do a good one, available at AO.com
Its my opinion mate, others may have a different view. I am a manufacturers appliance engineer. I don't work on hotpoint, but I have worked on other condenser washers/dryers, eg Panasonic, Lamona
I personally would not entertain one.