How can I stop children from climbing my wall and kicking my bins over?

11 Oct 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi, I have a 5 foot brick wall with a pointy top.

I am wondering what's the best way of deterring kids from climbing the wall and onto the bins, knocking them over?

Possibly raise the height of the wall somehow with a bit of fencing screwed on behind?

I'm guessing barbed wire isn't allowed in the world we live in.

Maybe a rose bush might be ok?
But take a long time to grow.

Has anyone had positive results by putting signs up saying anti climb paint, or cctv?

How old are the kids? If I caught anyone doing that to my fence, I'd give them a stern and a loud telling-off.
It's a rental property so I'm not there usually, I would be wary of telling them off though, I saw a few of them running around with an axe the other day!
Wobbly trellis to start with?
pyracanthas (?) is recommended by police as it has thorns that are 2” long.
You could try anti climb paint, ideally something that is runny and messy
Thanks guys, So I guess I need a few large tubs behind the wall and wait for it to grow enough.
Maybe £200 for 4 plants?
The only problem I forsee is having to cut it and deal with the thorns myself!
You can buy the biggest plants that will do.
Build a shelf/box to boost the height until they grow.
Pyracantha is very sharp and reasonably fast growing, plus in the autumn the birds feed of the berries. You might want to tell you landlord about the problem , as it is his property which is potentially being vandalised
Thanks, I am the landlord, I am wondering if this may be too high maintenance.
As a matter of interest, is it essential to provide a warning notice of the presence of anti-climb paint.
I know the police aren't interested these days, but could someone file a legal claim if they get the paint on the little handy pandies?
I think I read somewhere else on this forum that it is necessary.