How do I fit this washing machine clamp band. Indesit WM12x

20 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom
I have an Indesit Washing Machine (Indesit WM12x).

The inner clamp band for the seal came off the other day. and it is proving to be a right bugger to get back on.. I have tried literally for a few hours, with help and still failed.
Is there a special way to make the spring join up, as shown in the pics here.
Or is there a tool?
I can get it within millimeters of getting on, but, it's just not happening.
Any suggestion as the machine still works.

Here are the images of what it is like unclipped and clipped.

Any suggestions appreciated.. Virtual beers will be paid out upon successful completion :-p

DSC_0477.JPG DSC_0482.JPG DSC_0483.JPG

Thanks all.. good suggestions.

I tried last night with the long nosed ones but it didnt quite work. they kept slipping off.
But... I was working at an angle, from the top of the machine, or through the door.
I wonder if it is possible to take the whole front of to get a better angle of attack.

Water pump pliers is a good suggestion too.. thanks.
circlip pliers might do the job without slipping, or there is a tool used for brake-springs on older vehicles with drum brakes.

If you can tie the ends with nylon cord, you can snip it off once fitted.
Or a long cables tie or tuff string in the loops either side and pull together then cross arms over to hook on and cut off the rest. Works for me every time.
wow, the cable tie really did the trick, along with long nose pliers (and removing the front panel for access)
RESULT.. thank you all so much