how much is a reasonable day rate for a qualified carpenter?

Agree with you on that one JohnD.

Always calculate your hour rate on the hours you effectively bring money in. Writing quotations, doing site-surveys, doing the admin etc needs to be done, but don't really bring in money.
I tried not to use the term "Revenue-earning days" but that's what my 220 is :wink:
Well, I think it depends per trade, or even per company really. Some quotes, like my local plumbing friend does, can take up many hours of calculating, while writing quotes for supply and install wooden floors 'only' take 15 minutes ;-)

But then I spend a lot of hours on (web)marketing. 220 days is I think a proper average but keep your own situation in mind too.
One of the definitions of being in business is that there is no gaurantee of profit at the end of a day a week or a year. As the business minded here are saying: The pricing and tendering are where the money is made .......or broke even.. or lost. That is the roller coaster that we love .........and hate :lol:

If you're a decent chippy, you want to be charging a minimum of £150 a day - and that's Lancashire prices. However, you need to factor in the apprentice...i.e. if there's you and the lad on a job you can't really charge £150 each. The customer shouldn't mind paying the going rate, but they will demand good quality work and expect you to be in and out sharpish. If you're showing the apprentice how to do things and charging £150 each it won't go down too well. More like £150 for you and no more than half that for the lad.
Friend of mine has work coming out of his ears,qualified carpenter,hes quick and does a good job

South east based £200 per day

He has to work every saturday just to stay afloat (big mortgage/lazy girlfriend)

Hes always very busy
Do you charge your customers £120 per day for you being there or are you building this daily figure into your prices.

£120 for a qualified tradesmen (with van and tools and insurance) is far too cheap. Minimum of £150 up to around £200.