Ideal Minimiser SE Boiler Problems - Help?

17 Dec 2016
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United Kingdom
I am having a problem with my boiler, an Ideal Minimiser SE. The boiler fires up and the burner light switches on, but after x amount of time (sometimes immediately, sometimes after like 10 minutes) the burner switches off, the water pump however is still going. It does this before the house reaches the temperature set on the thermostat and never turns back on so the radiators just start to get cold and the water pump stays on indefinitely as the thermostat is still telling the boiler the house is too cold. When you turn the boiler off and back on with out adjusting anything, the burner will fire back up.

I tried setting the house temp to 30 degrees and the actual temp peaked at 23 before the radiators started getting cold, however the pump stayed on for an hour until I turned it off.

Am I having a genuine problem? My landlord is not accepting that there is an issue because the house isn't freezing, and is saying that he will charge us £150 if a plumber comes and finds nothing.
An annual service is essential on these, has it had one?. Years ago when we used to see them I used to recommend 2 x services a year.

I would advise if your landlords plumber cannot find a fault you will withold his rent until you are comfortable...he sounds like a total nob
We moved into the house in August, it was 'serviced' shortly before we moved in, but they only did a gas safety check so I don't think it was really tested to check everything was working. My feeling is that it is the control thermostat that is malfunctioning, because when the system starts from cold it is approx. 15 mins before it cuts out, but if it is already warm is much quicker. If I turn system off/on again straight after it turned off it cuts out immediately, and if I increase temp on boiler before turning back on it usually lasts a few minutes longer.

Not trained in this stuff though so just taking a best guess?
If this is not the worst boiler ever made then it is definately in the finals a load of absolute shoite and as already advised if this shoite tip is not properly serviced then will never run properly , really surprised you still have a working one
Do you deal directly with your landlord or through an agent?
What are the terms of your tenancy agreement? Look through the TA and seek advice from your local CAB if you believe you have credence under the agreement.