IFTTT has anyone actually used it, and how did they get on?

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
I used it once, I wanted the extruder alarms to switch off when carers were due, the smart socket only has three timing slots, and I wanted 4 slots, however I found the IFTTT only gave an on the hour option, so if I wanted the socket off at 12:30 and on again at 1:30 I had to set it to off at 12 and on at 2 so since we were around in the afternoon anyway we set the alarm manually if required.

However it seems we can link to weather, I have a MiHome Adapter Plus that controls and monitor your home's devices and appliances, it did not work as expected, I thought it would work with a remote control, wrong, I thought it would show max/min and power factor and all the other data the stand alone device showed, again wrong, the charts are handy but lacking a lot of info.

However my central heating TRV heads, my light switch in one bedroom, the pair of sockets in other bedroom and the MiHome Adapter Plus so maybe I should take advantage of IFTTT more.

So has anyone else tried to use it, and how well has it worked?
Yeah, have it working with Lightwave RF and google assistant (on phones), so "okay google...."
Goodnight = turn on living room lights, turn on bedroom lights, then turn off other lights a few mins later
heating boost = heating on for 30 mins
Open/close gates = activate driveway gates
Coffee please = response "Wife, put the kettle on" (lol!)
Warm the bed = electric blanket on for 30 mins

We're not regular or consistent enough to use geo location and the like.

Works quite well actually. "warm the bed" is great on the way back from pub
update: The "coffee please" request is starting to become intermittent, needs some TLC and lubricant (wine) to help keep it running smoothly.
My wife still uses an electric blanket, she wants bed warm to get into, but likes the room cool. However this thread was started in 2018 since then things have moved on, I use Google Nest Mini's to do voice commands, and it does not require me to write any program or even select one from the list.

It would be nice if I could have it so (IF) (THIS = any TRV head show a target above current) Then (That = run the central heating) theory since my PC can read the target and current temperatures and it can tell Nest Gen 3 to turn on, it should be possible.

However it seems I need a HMI (Human machine interface) and a human needs to sit at the PC read the temperatures and manually tell the Nest thermostat what to do.

Putting it simple, my smart devices are not very smart.