Inspection hatch in kitchen extension

4 Jul 2024
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United Kingdom
Hi, my first post here and by no means a building or drain expert.

We are looking at a house which had a kitchen extension in 2008/2009. There is a hatch in the kitchen where it was built over the drain. We are awaiting further information but wonder if they left an inspection hatch there, it must be because it is a connection point for the house and neighbours drains. Would this be a fair assumption?

Why else would an inspection hatch need to be in the kitchen?

Would this be a deal breaker? The current owner moved in after the extension was built and have said they haven’t had any problems. Doesn’t mean there couldn’t be an issue in the future.
Chambers need to be provided at every change of direction in the drain, or where another drain joins the run to give access along that run. If the building has been extended over what was an existing external chamber, then an air tight sealed cover must be fitted. It doesn't automatically mean the Neighbours are connected into it, but without knowing the layout of the property and drainage system, it is impossible to say.

Cleaning drains is a dirty and often unpleasant task, you need to ask if the worst happens, would you be happy with that going on inside the property?
These days you are not allowed to have these access points inside homes. The regulations are not retrospective