I have the above motorola e20.
I don't want an internet connection on it.
Can I download a QR Reader on my Win 10 machine
then install from there to the e20.
If this is for the drone, then the QR code is just a link to download the drone app from the manufacturer.
An internet connection is required to download the drone app, just like any other app.
An internet connection will almost certainly be required to actually use the app as well, and for other features such as updating the software in the drone itself.
If the phone can't read QR codes for some reason, then the equivalent is to just type in the download address for the app - but an internet connection is still required to download it and install any updates.
QR codes are just a method of providing text to a device. That text can be a website address, app address, someone's email, phone or whatever else. For devices which can read them, it's just a faster and more reliable option than typing the information in.