Intel on-board sound dodgy after driver upgrade

7 Mar 2005
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United Kingdom
I upgraded the driver of my m/board sound card just to see if it would improve anything & now the Realtek sound manager won`t open up. The input wizard pops up when it detects something plugged into one of the sockets but sound manager won`t open up to let me tweak the EAX or equalizer settings & Intel audio studio will open up but any sound adjustments I make just don`t happen. Is there a simple fix for this or should I revert to last years driver?

The m/board is the Intel D925XECV2 with Intel HD Audio(Realtek 880 codec), P4 3.2ghz ht enabled
Did you just load the new driver over the old or uninstall the old drivers first? I would have opted for the second option.
I uninstalled the old driver first & then installed the latest driver, but the sound works fine with the new driver except I can`t switch from 2 channel sound or crank up the bass, so i`ll stick with the old driver until I find a solution