Ipod remote ?

7 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
I have a hi-fi in a cupboard next to the bathroom and speakers in the bathroom ceiling. The hi-fi has an ipod dock and i just set it away while i’m in the bath (usually over an hour while the mrs watches her soaps). I’ve now got spotify on the ipod and my iphone and was wondering if there’s a way of skipping tracks remotely through my iphone, ie linking them as one or any other way of doing it ?
Does your iPod have a Wi-Fi connection? If so, try this:confused: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205644


Is the distance between the iPhone and the stereo short enough that you could use Bluetooth? If so, a BT receiver would allow you to have the phone in hand and running Spotify and transmitting to the BT receiver. This by-passes the iPod dock, but it does give you the control you're looking for.


How about something like this little creature? I haven't used one myself, just spotted it in passing. LINK

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Great thanks, i’ll try that over the weekend and let you know if it works.
Tried it and it doesn’t work but used the link and have ordered a Bluetooth aux adapter so when it comes i’ll give it a go and report back.
Got the adapter today, £2.99 off ebay (thought i’d try a cheap one first in case it didn’t work). Just plugs into the aux point on the hi-fi then pair phone with it, can now lie in the bath skipping songs with ease. Only downside is its not as loud as i would like (i like it LOUD) but for the price its mint. Thanks again for the help Lucid.