Is there a cheaper alternative to Hammerglass?

GW is rubbish, I agree with Ronnie about the 6.8 alternative to hammerglass, it'll thwart any burglar armed with an automatic centre punch or similar, sure it'll break but they'll then realise its going to take repeated attempts with a concrete planter to put a hole in the glass
Doors, windows and locks can make an intrusion slower and more effort, but not prevent it.

No, the right doors, Hammerglass windows and the right locks can PREVENT intrusion. Otherwise every shop in the country would be being burgled every single night. And every company premises on trading estates would be being burgled every single night. Most of them in my area have retractable security grilles, there is a reason - they work.

If entry is going to take a burglar more than ten minutes, unless they can see a million pounds sitting on a table within reach of the window, they are not going to begin their attempt, or carry on if they've started trying and can't get in easily.