Is there a Glue or Filler for white PVCU?

24 May 2020
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United Kingdom
I recently replaced the lock/lever unit on my front door, to fix the old faulty unit. Unfortunately, the new unit did not exactly match my old door frame so I had to make some new holes and leave the old holes in place. Although I tried to fill them using white(-ish:whistle:) epoxy putty, the appearance is *far* from perfect. What I am wondering is whether I could glue in a PVCU blanking plug, which would at least be pure white even if it wasn't completely flush.

Looking around, I can't see any PVCU filler that would do the trick, so my question is this: is there actually a filler that I haven't found or will the PVCU cement used for waste pipes do the trick to glue a plug in place?
No such thing AFAIK because PVCu has a relatively low melting point and as you've discovered there are loads of different whites out there. On the rare occasions I've had to repair these doors I've either repurposed an aluminium finger plate or cadged up a small offcut of stainless steel 1 to 2mm thick froma local sheet metal working place. Either can make up a relatively neat patch plate which is screwed to the face of the door to cover up any untoward butchery. Done carefully it doesn't look bad
If you have a plastic plug, glue it with superglue.
It won't be exact match, but it will hide the hole.
Otherwise metal plate (I once used a kitchen spatula cut to size and properly filed)