Is this 20mm mdpe, is Speedfit a good way to cap it

28 Sep 2019
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United Kingdom
I'm guessing this is 20mm mdpe pipe? The pipe is no longer in use but is still connected to incoming mains, presumably somewhere under concrete floor (2nd picture). What's the best way of cutting and capping it so i can remove the pipes in first picture?

Looking at the Speedfit stop end, would this be ok as a permanent cap?



Cheers for reply. I'll be capping it near to where is tees off from the incoming main (larger black pipe).

It's all under concrete yes and possibly under a partition wall.
Unless you can get to a section that is clean and free from scratches/dinks, then I wouldn't ever use pushfit. A mechanical (compression/philmac/plasson type) fitting would be a safer option IMO
Cheers, I'll give that a go instead, are they ok to fit in a fairly confined space?
Yeah, they use a compression snap grab ring and seal. So it would be cut the pipe clean and square, clean it up, insert in, unscrew the compression nut a little and then push the fitting on until it hits the stop, then tighten up the end. If it's very tight to go on then I sometime use the smallest amount of silicone grease on the o-ring to help it on.
All done, thank you. Don't know if it was a good idea or not but I put a few wraps of PTFE around the thread. Waters back on and no sign of leaks.

Next question is.. best way to cover it. That concrete floor is going to have electric UFH laid and then tiled. I was thinking wrap the pipe to protect it in thick plastic sheeting, then backfill with sharp sand or ballast to cover by an inch or so, then concrete over?