Lack of gutter drains on old shop fronts

15 Aug 2020
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I have an old terrace shop front. The street is really old and there is no drain for the guttering. It is not an end of terrace. The front of the shop front faces north so there is a fair amount of green staining from the gutter. It is not dangerous but it is a nuisance. I understand there is limited solution to this problem with out the local authorities installing drains but is this a common problem and are they any workarounds?

Here is a picture
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/puqu9DH" data-context="false" ><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Charlie, good evening.

May be me? but I cannot open the posted image to anything sensible??


Where is the staining?
oops, posted at the same time.

I take it that yours is the shop on the right with the black frontage?
Seems it just flows onto the pavement, if you bring this to the attention of the authorities they will insist that you stop the nuisance you are making by allowing your water to flood onto the pavement.

A drain will be costly.
I am not pressing the correct buttons?

As an aside, the O/P is in Ireland. "rules" may??? be different???

Sorry. That picture isn't very useful. That whole street has this issue and the pic I showed is a nearby property across the screen that is orientated south. I am attaching a picture of the actual property and its algae footpath.

Yup I am in Ireland.
OK, the last posted image is your area of concern?

If it were me? I would use some Bleach. or Mould and Mildew remover [Cillit Bang, is one product, others exist?]

If the entire street has this sort of storm water [shall I call it] disposal system? then to put it bluntly, you are probably stuck with the situation?

There may not be a storm drain into which the rain water could be directed??

If this situation has existed for some time? as indicated by the configuration of the pipework and the bottom bend on one of the pipes it could be that your Local Authority are happy to just accept it?

Yes that is the spot. It has been this way as long as i can recall. I will go with bleach. I just wondered is this a common problem but I guess there is no solution that I can do by myself but looks as if it depends on the local authority.