Leave Cornwall Demands Government Replaces EU Millions

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The leader of Cornwall Council has demanded the UK Government replaces the £60million a year of EU support it will lose as a result of the Brexit vote.

A statement from the council claimed it had been reassured by the Leave campaign prior to the referendum, that a decision to leave the EU would not affect the EU funding which had already been allocated to the area.

The news appears to back research which shows regions with the biggest votes for Leave are also the most economically dependent on the EU.

The county receives the most money in England.


Cornwall has received around £60m of EU funding a year

The county receives the most money in England, reports the BBC, citing the following figures from the EU Commission:

  • £400m of EU funding between 2000-2006
  • £500m of EU funding between 2007-2013
  • £416m of further funding coming between 2014-2020

Regions with the biggest votes for Leave are also the most economically dependent on the EU https://t.co/j5LS9paSOV pic.twitter.com/Kj7n06eO8z

What make this all the funnier is that it's serious!

Ebbw Vale, with perhaps the biggest EU subsidy is also strongly anti-EU.

Kill that golden goose, Taffy.
350 >>>>-------------Brussels
Ebbw Vale-------<<<Brussels>>>>>>--------- Elsewhere around Europe and waste

350 >>>>-------------London
Ebbw Vale-------<<<London>>>>>>--------- Elsewhere around England Wales ( maybe Scotland ) and some waste
ha ha! Bernard is using the 350 figure again! A lie! It's lucky this is the Jokes section!

Go on, Bernard, tell us what it says on the big red bus!

[GALLERY=media, 97924]Brexit 350 Million Lie by JohnD posted 28 Jun 2016 at 3:52 PM[/GALLERY]
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