Led Driver selection HELP

21 Mar 2013
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United Kingdom
You may find a mismatch between the effective 12V DC put out by the supply and what the lights expect.

I suggest you buy everything from one supplier, and ask them to tell you which power supply/ies will be OK with all of the lights. Or alternatively buy LED strip + power supply as a pair from supplier A and the mini-plinth lights +power supply as another pair from supplier B.

And if anybody pops up here bleating on about what is, or is not a driver, ignore them completely - they do not have your interests at heart.
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Thanks. ban-all-sheds

I was hoping for more of a yes no answer, rather than an alternative solution but thanks for taking the time to respond.
I'll think it over.

Yeah I know there is much debate over the driver / transformer / power supply nomenclature ;)
The answer you want is yes.

6 x 50mA + 680 mA is less than 1 amp so a 1.25 A supply is OK. In fact virtually any second hand 12 switch mode 12V supply from a redundant set top box will do.
As Winston says, pretty much any 12v power supply/driver over an amp will be fine. These LEDs are very forgiving. One with a higher power rating will actually be slightly better so go for the 18w
Thanks all for your help.
I've gone with the 18w as the 15w one I had previously ordered had either the output labels or the cables reversed (couldn't tell which).