Looking at a second hand car for sale....

The dealer advertised it as having:

  • Automatic Post Collision Braking System
Wouldn't it have been better to have given it a pre collision braking system?
Is the comment a flippant one? It merely applies the brakes after an initial crash, preventing (or trys to prevent) any second collision occuring with other vehicles which can often be more dangerous than the initial collision as the safety features of the car are (or may be) already be compromised.
It merely applies the brakes after an initial crash, preventing (or trys to prevent) any second collision occuring with other vehicles which can often be more dangerous than the initial collision as the safety features of the car are (or may be) already be compromised.

Is not half as much fun as this:
Maybe it automatically collides into a post to stop?

BTW, it was not a flippant comment.