Lost all zones when changing PIR

9 Sep 2013
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United Kingdom
Hey folks,

Any advice gratefully received...

Hall & landing newly decorated, old hall PIR replaced with new, successfully. Removing the landing one I think there may be a chance the red & black power supply wires touched when removing, the wires to this detector were incredibly short and fiddly.

The panel is in engineer's mode and it would appear that all zones are in-op.

Lifting the lid on the control panel and checking fuses, it looks as if 13v supply marker "speaker" has blown. Does this sound likely?

System is a Honeywell Accenta, approx 12 years old.

Any advice gratefully received.

Can the battery be left connected (mains switched off) to replace said fuss?

Naturally I'm hoping I've caused no further damage.
Thank you, always worth checking with the experts. New fuse restored the system.

Second question. If I can find a new like-for-like keypad, does disconnecting the old one likely to cause any issues after powering down?