low flow on shared water pipe - electric shower recommendation ?

8 Mar 2013
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United Kingdom
Hi We have a 'cottage' system where several properties share the same cold water mains pipe

We have decent static pressure at 3bar (I bought a meter to measure it)
We have a low flow which means that a standard electric shower will show 'low flow' and will not work properly. The washing machine also bleeps when it is filling up

I was looking at a gravity fed system but these dont like the higher pressure

The 3 bar is fairly contstant but drops to zero once we put the shower on

Can anyone recommend a shower that would work in these circumstances. We have electricity and a mains cold feed to the shower area

I will mention the flow was fine until a builder 3 doors up did something now me and all my neighbours are suffering. Builder is refusing to help.


I'd be getting the neighbours together and then get in touch with the builder and let him know that you all will be contacting the supplier to intervene and arbitrate to have the issue, that he created, resolved if he does not sort it out within a given timescale. If the builder has done something that adversely affects the supply then he may be contravening the suppliers regs.

The supplier should have a charter that dictates the minimum service they must provide, if that isn't being met, especially if it's because of something that the builder has done, then they will be quick enough in telling him, so no reason not to give them a call and see what they have to say.
Thanks all. I will get everyone together to complain. Have considered an accumulator but is costly