Manhole Advice/Help!

12 Jan 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi I have an internal manhole cover that needs replacing as its not double sealed and doesn't meet regulatory standard. The existing frame clear opening measures at 760x610x3mm and doesn't line up exactly with the brick work opening all the way round, there is enough access to the chamber though (see pic). Does this matter because I want to order the new frame but the closest match in size is 750x600x58mm and I know this won't line up either as it's a tad smaller, so does the frame and the brick clear opening need to line up exactly to meet regulations or is it OK for the new cover to sit as the old one does? the next cover sizes are too big or small!

I can't see waste water or any flow at all in the chamber, there is this weird pad of mold sitting just below the 2nd layer of brick from the top of the clear opening. I dropped a crowbar on it by mistake and it just laid on it, so it's pretty solid. Also there are no noticeable blockages and there is another access point 3m away which my waste flows to after mine, when flushing my toilet the flow can be seen as normal here. I haven't disturbed it yet to find out but I think someone has put some kind of sealant just at the top and mold has grown on it (see pic). Can anyone tell me what this is, should I leave or get rid of it and if it poses any danger in any way?



Oh good.

A duplicated posting.

But still without any pictures that I can view.

I can't see waste water or any flow at all in the chamber, there is this weird pad of mold sitting just below the 2nd layer of brick from the top of the clear opening. I dropped a crowbar on it by mistake and it just laid on it, so it's pretty solid.

It looks like a solid crust of S**T:eek:
It's an old corner shop convert, this man hole is in our bedroom extension and where the old shop toilet used to be! We have a basement toilet that pumps up to this chamber and then out into the yard, you can see the next manhole cover in the window of the second pic in my last post. Underneath whatever this is seems to be working fine.


Hi Tony

Apologies for the initial time wasting, I join the site today. I have uploaded pictures to the thread now and the duplicate threads have been deleted, any advice from you or anyone here would be very much appreciated!!! I have been trying to get answers to these questions for a few days now to no avail, as you will see the existing manhole cover is in quite a state!

What happens when you hit it with a spade or hammer?

Could it have been filled in with cement?
I haven't tried to touch it yet, I just dropped the crow bar on it by mistake and it's pretty solid. I don't think it's cement as the chamber is in use underneath and would it even be possible to just cover the top with cement and it still be in working order?
Maybe they put a board and covered that with cement?

If you carefully drill into it you will find out what it is made of and how thick it is.

Aah OK, will do.

Also When the new cover is eventually inn, there will be an inspection. I would like to know if I should remove whatever this is beforehand or if I should leave it because it's supposed to be there? In the most likely case do you think I would be told to remove it to meet regulatory standard?
I think I'll remove whatever it is carefully, is it even allowed to be there?

Any ideas on question one, will the 750x600 suffice & does the frame clear opening have to line up with the brick clear opening from corner to corner all the way around? or is it OK to be a little off like the existing one is?
There is a small risk that that "solid" is a dried crust that might give way if any weight is put on it.
That's what I said .And the existing manhole lid is a double seal jobbie - it just needs a couple of pounds (lbs) of manhole grease smeared around the edges - if you can still get it .
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The manhole cover is a double seal type, do what Nige say. Grease it put it back and walk away.


Ps, I am curious what is under there, maybe gold bars, money, nuclear bunker or dead body.