I've decided that it has been far too long since I played about with Linux, so I thought I would ask a few questions of people here. Now, seeing as 99% of people use Windows I expect responses will be thin on the ground, so don't feel bad! Anyway, I am moving over to Mandrake 10.0 in about half an hour, so hopefully I will be reading any responses on that.
1) Who here uses Linux?
2) What antivirus software do you use, do you recommend it?
3) What firewall do you use, do you recommend that too?
Well, it had to be done. My friends were already suspecting I was a geek when they discovered I own a binary clock and beerglasses emblazoned with "#include beer.h", I suppose this is me coming out of the server cupboard
1) Who here uses Linux?
2) What antivirus software do you use, do you recommend it?
3) What firewall do you use, do you recommend that too?
Well, it had to be done. My friends were already suspecting I was a geek when they discovered I own a binary clock and beerglasses emblazoned with "#include beer.h", I suppose this is me coming out of the server cupboard