MP3 encoders

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andrew2022 said:
there is a program called DBpowerAMP. does CD rippin aswell as converting between dif formats

and its free!

But does it have the library functions ? The paid for (£10) MMJB does that - rips, drips, flips, blips, pips and would probably f art if you asked it to !!
Fits a bunch of tracks to several CDs automatically ... converts, reverts ...... But joking aside, with a few thousand or not even that many, tracks, the library function is superb ..
I have the DbAmp and tis ok but lacks the extras ..
Whole gaggle of freebies brought together there.
MMJB is very good but it is also very good at hogging resources. I only use it for ripping and tagging.

I use media player rarley but mostly quinnessential media player which is brilliant.

Once you get your head around play lists and have created them you dont need all the padding MMJB gives you. Just one click will launch the player and play the selected tracks. :D Quintessential Player 4.50 Does Look interesting !!

Haven't noticed a problem with the old JB .. Recently my daughter was converting a batch of files to MP3, I was using M$Excel with a large spreadsheet open and a Cadd prog running ... Seemed ok .... 600 pIII 640Mb ram .. by no means state of the art .. cracks on pretty fine tho'.


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