Hi for some reason when i turner my pc on last time and tried to load a dvd it appears that the computer is notdetecting the dvd drive,any ideas pls.
-------------------------------------skippster76 said:Hi for some reason when i turner my pc on last time and tried to load a dvd it appears that the computer is notdetecting the dvd drive,any ideas pls.
Icemancomth said:Like Igorian said check the cables. If you go to My Computer see if the drive is there. If it is right click onto the DVD drive and select properties. Then click onto the Hardware tab and scroll down to the name of your drive listed. There in the Device Properties will be listed the Drive Status. Ether it will be list as working properly or not. If it is then check to see if you DVD drive plays any audio CD or data CD.
If it works then it could be a driver problem. Check the manufacturer for the latest drivers for that drive.
Another option is to check your drivers and to troubleshoot the drive. First right click onto MY Computer then find the DVD/CD-ROM drive(s). Next click onto the driver or the (+) if you have more then one drive. Select you drive and you will see the General tab. There it will have the Device status and troubleshoot button.
To check the drivers on the same menu select the Driver tab. There you will see the Driver Date and Version.
If you drive is listed in My Computer then it is either dead or the cable became unseated. Make sure all cables are seated. If there are not check the bios to see if it sees the drive. If not try unplugging the drive from the computer. Restart the computer. Then shout down the commuter and plug the drive back in and turn on the computer. Windows' plug and play should see it and load a generic driver.
Good Luck
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