My first router!

9 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
As the message says really I have a 12mm router from B&Q ( as which rate it) the question is I have had a play with on bit but am unsure what the ones with a bearing race on them are for. Are they for routing an edge and the bearing runs along the work piece, or are they for use with templates?

the bearing runs along the piece of wood always when using ure router cut left to right and keep it moving. it is a 12mm that is the bit size which it acepts when u use a template u would normally use a guide bush which is a metal shaped ring which srews on the bottom of the router then u bit whot sticks out follows the hole in the jig
as tmd says [for external]

clockwise for internals[

also cut off in several passes your for larger cuts about 30% the
shank size
if its a o.g. cove or roundover bit and not to big
you may get away with one pass

hard wood slow speed slow feed rate
soft wood high speed high feed rate
if it splinters try taking of less with each pass

most off all keep the base plate flat to the work
clamp the down firmly with clamping blocks[bits of wood] if necisery

and practice practise practise

big all
thanks guys, I have had a play on some scrap wood and can't imagine how I ever managed without it. The circular saw can now be filed under b!
I've just acquired two - dunno what I'll do with them yet.

This gets good reviews on Amazon:


can anybody suggest any other titles?