Marley tiles i don't think so, this is a pan tile you need to take one off and look at the underside. Its not a modern tile depending on where you are you should be able to pick some up for a repair. Don't let anyone tell you you need to scrap them and re-roof without reusing them.
Almost certainly imported from Belguim probably take a proper photo back and front and ill see where you might be able to get them from.
Where are you located and how many.
Thanks for the photos
Phone the company I mentioned take the height and breadth as long as they are similar they will function. Got to mention it's a Roman pan tile shape it will fit snugly or just off makes no difference as pan tiles have worked for centuries by pushing water to the
valley part of the tile so if Sizes are near you'll be ok.
Have used them in the past just not an everyday tile anymore.
07768603597 if you get no joy or