Need to raise a shed base

6 Nov 2015
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone.

Please note that I am not a builder, I build computers not buildings. I recently put together a shed which is 10x8 in size, after assembling everything I realized it was too low, is there any simple way I could raise it without having to disassemble everything? I've had some people advise me to try and get some wood planks under it, does anyone know what type of wood I should buy.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You can just lift it with temporary packing to sort out any base, or if you are looking to lift the shed and base complete, then use some treated (eg tanalised) timbers of the required thickness and put these under the sides and base - inline with the supports already there.

Tanalised timbers are green and cope better with damp and rot. Yellow or brown colour treated timber may not be so good. Check that, and do not use untreated.

You can normally lever the shed up with a shovel, and slide the packing/timber in.
Get some help.

Lift it with a shovel as suggested and put a length of 3x2 under so it can be lifted better.
Slap a brick under each corner doing this until its high enough for you to easily get the new lengths of wood under it.
Or rather than wood you can always use concrete slabs which will never rot.

Then use the wood to lift again & remove the bricks so it settles on the wood\slabs.