Never Ending Story

... and it was at that poin that Mary Ellen realised there was a problem, the ground began to buckle, not like a tissue, but like a geological fault (not that 'fault' had been determined at this point!), rock was being crushed.... in a way that....
suggested something big - like an eruption of molten metal from the Earth's core. Mary eyed up the mile-thick concrete wall around the Ossi city. Would it be enough?
The wall stood proud, and had saved Ossi many times, but this was something different... the air tingled, and the whole Earth 'hummed' as though it contained a million massive molten metal mosquitos ready to...
geological society orchestra!! but that was gonna solve nothing, the end of the world was.....
- a distinct possibility. The lightning storm had raged for days over the huge crater but it was nothing compared to what would happen when the metal vapour reached the plasmasphere.
where it was bound to condense, and fall back to earth as metal hail stones, heavens help anyone caught in this storm they would be well stoned
Roses getting back together singing an alternative to rain drops keep falling on my head.....
and, sure enough, it was a hard rain that was gonna fall - but Earth had initiated the chain reaction and she was going to sing first. Cracks spread outwards from the crater and the entire landscape bulged upwards.
(Does the full stop mean the story is at an end?)
and onwards to battle against the unseen and unwashed....
Osbourne group now under the name Black Hole on the Sabbath with R Dawkins lead singer....