Never Ending Story

make him work overtime without realising, "will have to get in touch with the clowns union about this" he murmured, so off he trots and finally getting there he asks to see the leader of the clowns union none other than....
Peter Mandleson and his entourage came rolling out singing happy birthday whilst dressed as......
but unbeknown to everyone, the planet earth had been listed for compulsary clearance in preperation for the new intergallactic highway.
allready the vogans were sitting in orbit ready to...
wrap christmas presents and decorate the town with tinsel, giving great joy to...
preparing their festive nut roast, which was made from an old Babylonian recipe. Which was odd considering they are non believers and should be...
aware that that recipe calls for the addition of sugar not salt, anyway not allowing themselves to be too dismayed they call for the head..
how far you can spit your orange pip before it goes out of sight into the wide blue .......
whale that was swimming by minding his own business and thinking of.....
that attenborough fellow and where is he now after i have come all this way to......
show off with my blow hole tricks, oh well looks like i'm just going to have to deplenish the oceans stock of plankton, then off for my holidays in..