New laptop windows backup trouble

1 Feb 2005
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
Hello all. In the old days i'd have windows installation on disk. Now it's all installed on laptop with office. Can anyone tell me how i can make an installation disk of windows and office in case i need to reformat the hard drive etc?
Which make and model of laptop? There is usually a utility which allows you to create your own recovery disks.
Annoyingly not all laptops come with a backup so usually the onus is on you to make your own hence this thread

My method is having 2 partitions C drive and D drive, and I use the D drive to store the backup of C using "Acronis", once installed run the program that creates a bootable CD, once you boot up the disk Acronis will now start and thats were you select C drive to be backed up and saved to your D drive, you can either pay for this software or torrent it, choice is yours!

regarding having a copy of windows on a disk, either buy if from a shop so you have an original disk or torrent it

so its that old chestnut "torrent or pay"

hope that helps