Thats the whole problem today with whatever trade you mention. There is always some 'training provider' and I use the term loosely, out there to rip people off and lead them to believe they can do anything after a few weeks or more.
You can't teach experience
Around my way there are now posters going up at any new site saying 1 or 2 week plastering courses
How can anyone learn a skill like this in such a short time. I can't even poly filla smoothly after 6 years on my own
The skill that can only come from experience is the skill to deal with the situations that are not included in the training curriculum.
Experience provide the knowledge, skill and confidence to create for oneself a procedure to match the situation and ( most important ) work out the full implications of carrying out that procedure. It is these new procedures that often get noted and fed back to the trainers to improve the training courses.
In any event, everyone has to start somewhere and training courses are a good base for basic knowlege. Once that knowlege is gained, one can start working in the real world and continue learning through experience.
The wy some training courses are marketed is wrong though, giving the impression that one can be a fully qualified plumber in a matter of weeks.