I’ve just moved into a an old cottage and it has a NLSH125 Newlec storage heater downstairs with electronic display.
I set it up yesterday according to the instructions and set it to User Timer. It came on according to the timer but just made a noise as it a fan was operating but did not get warm at all.
I assumed this was as it would need to collect the energy overnight first so I left it overnight. Again today it comes on according to the timer but does not get warm at all. It’s set to 21 degrees but the room must be under 10 degrees.
Upstairs there are 2 older style storage heaters with manual dials, they collected energy overnight and work fine today.
Does anyone have a similar heater and know what could be wrong?
I set it up yesterday according to the instructions and set it to User Timer. It came on according to the timer but just made a noise as it a fan was operating but did not get warm at all.
I assumed this was as it would need to collect the energy overnight first so I left it overnight. Again today it comes on according to the timer but does not get warm at all. It’s set to 21 degrees but the room must be under 10 degrees.
Upstairs there are 2 older style storage heaters with manual dials, they collected energy overnight and work fine today.
Does anyone have a similar heater and know what could be wrong?