Non felted roof

6 Apr 2024
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United Kingdom
Hey just want some advice I have just bought my first house and the roof is not felted.
The roof is in fairly good condition only issue is that there seems to be a lot of dirt in the loft, it may of build up over time and the last owner probably didn't go up there much.
It is already insulated but I plan to but in more loft insulation and then put loft Pannals down so I can store stuff in it but I'm worried about it becoming dirty again and damaging my stuff.
Is there anything I can put on the roof beams that would stop the dirt coming in? That wouldn't damage the roof or house?

I've been told that i could staple membrane to the roof beams? And is so what kind or brand should I use

Big thanks in advance :)
I've seen correx board stapled to the inside of timbers then tape joints. I'd use correx tape.
. Condensation is the worry.

Maybe membrane is the answer with battens to hold
Breathable membrane would keep the dust out and avoid any condensation issues, Membrane may clag up with dust over the years but that should be a long way off