NTL dialup connection

15 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
has anyone come across NTL connection disconnecting wheneve it likes? I'm not talking about time restriction. It may drop after 1 min, 5 mins or 20 mins. Whe I look at the connection details I get CRC errors, Align Errors and timeout errors. Timeout errors can be anything fromm 5mins to 60mins etc. Can it be something regarding a coonfiguration problem or something else? Can anyone help thanks?
Have you spoken with NTL? (I doubt it cos they never answer the phone).

This should be the first port of call.

As an alternative, try setting up a dial up connection to another ISP. One youy can try is Adaption. The number is 0845 6091365. You can use any username/password you like and it's free apart from local call charges. If the disconnections continue, let us know and someone here will try to help further.
what time are you trying? or is it anytime if you try at 5 to 7 pm it might be coz too mean people are try to get on and are you using a BT line? or ntl
you are right about getting in touch with NTL. Its any time of the day. I shall give that other a try later. Thanks