Oil tank in outhouse - help

1 Apr 2017
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United Kingdom
Oil tank located currently in an outhouse needs to be replaced and doesn't meet current regulations anyway. Not many options to put it anywhere else as the yard between the outhouse and house is pretty small. Has anyone installed an integral 60 minute fire-checked bunded tank (like the tuffa ones) in a garage or outhouse? OFTEC don't sanction them directly but apparently local building control will and have approved them. If a solution can't be found then only option will be to change central heating completely, which will be ridiculously expensive. I can't see why there should be a problem and have seen plenty of articles about their 30 minute protection tanks being installed up against fences and by windows etc, just can't find an example of one in an outhouse or garage type of building. Am going to contact local Buidling control as OFTEC themselves weren't particularly helpful. Local OFTEC technicians don't seem to know much about these tanks. Any advice, please? Thanks,
Provided your local BC are happy to sign off for you, there's no reason why you shouldn't have one. I think @simond has done a couple
Yes, although I've not seen him for a while, but he might respond to the tag
If you search for "garage oil" you should find at least one recent thread about the issues around oil tanks in garages.
As long as you get the outhouse up to OFTEC standards you'll be ok and why not fit a steel tank while you're at it can't get damaged much.If youre not sure look up OFTEC guides on inside tanks
or phone their technical dept.Bob
Oftec standards are a load of b ollox anyway.
A 760mm clearance would give fook all protection from a proper fire.
It might help to find a particular tank and see what the makers suggest about where it can be fitted and offer that to the BC.

They don't have to accept anything but if the manufacturer were to say it was suitable the BC might be more likely to be willing to agree with it.
Thanks, Agile. That's exactly what I intend to do. I've emailed tuffa but will ring them tomorrow to see what they suggest. Then I'm going to ring BC locally and see what they say.
Someone has mentioned about getting the outhouse up to OFTEC standards; not sure what that means, but I imagine that they mean look up their guidelines. All I can find is that anything inside has to meet 60 minute fire protection, has to at as low a level as possible and on a flat slab or concrete base and cannot be used for anything else other than storing the tank - so a garage can no longer be a garage. That's not a problem in our case.Is there something else that I haven't found?
Thanks for help so far!