Old dead chimney

6 Apr 2022
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United Kingdom
Hi guys, I have an old dead and unused chimney in a renovation property, the stach has been removed to below the roof into the attic space and currently not capped, further down the chimneys that it served have all been fully bricked up as in not just the cave but the full depth of the fireplace, above this where the chimney cavity remains the wall is sweating somewhat, so I'm asking what is my best course of action here, should I just cap it is should I open the cavity and build it up fully and effectively making it a solid wall all the way up?

Either option is not a big deal as it is already fully exposed and only really is around 5ft in height.
I don't know why people block chimneys up, they're great for creating excellent airflow in the house. If they get blocked off and not adequately vented at the top and bottom on each flu, the air in the stack condenses the moisture and damp problems often appear.

If it was my house, I would reinstate the stack and fireplaces.
The "damp problems" are typically chemical problems that present on the decorated surface of the chimney breast like signs of damp.
Flues, redundant or not, must be swept clean of soot. Soot is the "cause" of the chemical contamination - helped by lack of ventilation, and sometimes penetrating damp in the flue.

Are there existing chimney breasts and fireplaces in the property?