Old Tools

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
Do you have an old tool in the shed or your toolbox that's been with you more years than you care to recall?
I decided to use an old hatchet that used to live in my granp's shed til he passed on and i claimed it, over 30 years ago now and i suspect he had it for a good deal longer before that. It might even be older than me!


It can still manage an awkward branch or two if needs be...
I still have one or two of my grandfather's woodworking tools. He was a journeyman carpenter. He passed about 30 years ago. I guess the tools are at least 60 years old. They're still fully functional, although showing signs of wear.
I have a comm saw that I made myself when I started my apprenticeship at 16, so that makes it 50 years old.
I'm sure I'll have other things in my 'storage' bag, (a tool bag that holds odds and sods I never really use but might one day).
I have some wooden handled cabinet screwdrivers, made in sheffield, that are at least 50 years old, still fit for use, but not used much. And 2 sets of big and medium stillsons, made in England of about the same age, that get used occasionally.

Inherited from my father, who last used them over 30 years ago.
I have power tools older than me (52), my regularly used Tauco pillar drill dates from the 1940's - I believe they came over from America during the war.
Mrs Mottie has a hand carved wooden dildo that her mother gave her. She got it from her mother and she got it from her mother. It’s been in her family for years.…….
Now where do I start? Well, apart from being a chippy (which means I hoard woodworking tools), at least 25% of my hand tools are as old as I am. This leads to jobs like today where I was doing a splice in of a repair piece to a tooled beam which meant working 12 feet up a scaffolding tower wielding a Mathieson #14 hollow plane... When they come to prime it later this week I'll find out how good or bad my work is... Apart from that my main hobby is restoring old power tools - one of my oldest is a 1931 Stanley electric router (probably the oldest working electric router in the UK). What do you mean you didn't think they had the internet back then?
I got an old bit and brace. It belonged to my dear dad.
Ah, but do you use it and do you know how to sharpen the bits?
Now where do I start? Well, apart from being a chippy (which means I hoard woodworking tools), at least 25% of my hand tools are as old as I am. This leads to jobs like today where I was doing a splice in of a repair piece to a tooled beam which meant working 12 feet up a scaffolding tower wielding a Mathieson #14 hollow plane... When they come to prime it later this week I'll find out how good or bad my work is... Apart from that my main hobby is restoring old power tools - one of my oldest is a 1931 Stanley electric router (probably the oldest working electric router in the UK). What do you mean you didn't think they had the internet back then?
Long time, old sock.
Been stuck in yer shed?
Nearly all of my garden tools are second hand. I know my garden hoe was my Great Grandfathers (born 1896).

I also have a bag full of 'brick layer tools'. They were from one of my wife's Great Uncles, who had helped build a housing estate in Derby in the 1950s. They are all heavy, made in England. I'll post a picture of the contents as some are a mystery to me.
My toothbrush has been handed down through the generations. I still use it too!