Olympic opening ceremony

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
Dunno about the rest of you's but i thought the Greeks did a mighty fine job especially after the critisicm they received leading up to the opening, I'd say it was better than the Los Angeles ceremony which i found to be very pretentious and screaming of "hey we have more money than any other country and we are going to show it" in my opinion they didn't succeed, money isn't everything and it goes to show that if you get a decent team behind you (British :D ) then you don't have to spend untold bundles of money.
Sadly I missed the ceremony, as I was waiting for an appointment where the other party failed to turn up, but what I saw was very impressive and I would certainly go along with the comments and that it slapped all the critics in the gob. It certainly seemed that it wasn't the Greeks that were "off their marbles".
I agree, Best opening ceremony I've seen for years. Lets just hope we win some more medals now
Like when everybody whined that Manchester could not organise Commonwealth 2002 and we did a belting job.......
I for one, hope we do not get to host the Olympics.
It will be an embarassment .... Tarted up crap stadia ... Where is the sporting infra structure to take advantage of the resources following the event ? I'll tell you where the most important ingredient will be ... in the 'theme pubs' and 'bars' getting off their faces !!! I am sure any new stadia will be demolished after the event by some contractor in return for the land to build on ... our tax money will be bunged down the drain again ... just like the Dome !!

A country like Oz, with what ? 20 M inhabitants ... can turn out winners, why ? Because they nurture their kids, develope them from an early age, grab their interest, I reckon that does matter, it matters more than Iraq for example.

Ah, the olympics. I'm not a fan of them, though I do like the way they promote international harmony with a friendly sense of competition.

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Athletes of the north and the south of Korea jointly entered the stadium to attend an opening ceremony of the 28th Olympic Games held in Athens Friday. As they marched hands in hands with two players holding a large white colour Korean peninsula flag in the van, many spectators rose up and warmly welcomed them with a long applause.
Present at the opening ceremony were the Greek president, the president of the International Olympic Committee, high-ranking officials of various countries and at least 10,000 athletes from 202 countries and regions including the DPRK.
The participants will compete for 301 gold medals in 28 events.
The games will run through August 29.
For me the olympics were tarnished when they started allowing professionals in.
Nowadays it's the cheating with drug taking that's undermined it all.
ZenStalinist said:
Ah, the olympics. I'm not a fan of them, though I do like the way they promote international harmony with a friendly sense of competition.

Well, this might sound daft, but perhaps the Cold War would have ended differently without friendly competition. Not just the Olympics, but anything that allowed Warsaw Pact and NATO countries to be in the same place at the same time, representing themselves in a positive and productive fashion.
kendor said:
For me the olympics were tarnished when they started allowing professionals in.

I agree with you 100% there.

I think that many of the sports that they allow into the Olympics (some as wildcard events) shouldn't be. Here are some of the events in the current Olympics that I feel blatantly aren't Olympics sports:

Baseball (cricket for puffs)
Basketball (although it is refreshing in these days of 1200mm lightswitches to see some positive discrimination for tall people)
Beach Volleyball (although I would let that one run still :wink: )
Equestrian (unless the horse is given the medal, and if they need to put the horse down they take the jockey with it)
Football (where can I begin?!?!?! :x )
Handball (looked this one up on the net, appears to be a variation on "catch")
Shooting (where is the athleticism in that?! Obviously if they point the gun at me I might change my mind)
Softball... (baseball for puffs, therefore cricket for puffs squared)
Don't forget Tennis, how can multi millionaire heavily sponsored professionals such as the williams sisters be allowed to compete against athletes that have struggled to make the olympics.
They'll probably have a 'Fit the 3 amp fuse to duct fan' competition for 'Sparks' ... Take a while tho' ... bit of head scratching ... extra training required, have to import Oz coach no doubt !!

.....and coming off the blocks, I couldn't resist having a go now.....
I love snooker, but I would be horrified when it becomes an olympic sport. The beach volleyball is certainly different, now I know why my works ran buses to a competition. Did you ever see such a contraption as a modern archers bow? Robin Hood would certainly have hit himself with one of those when "choosing a place to be buried". The drug situation does add another aspect as to who will actually start their intended competition.
This thread could run and run, or jump, or dive.........
Well, I am thinking: equestrian. Is this any more eligible as an Olympic sport than Formula 1? The horse is not an athlete, it is an animal. Albeit a trained animal, but an animal nonetheless. What does a jockey do? It "drives" the animal. The jockey doesn't impart any athletic ability to the horse. If you run a horse at an obstacle, it will either jump it, scoot round it, or stop. They aren't stupid. But, the animal is basically just a vehicle.

However, a Formula 1 car will not automatically steer or brake (not since they banned all the gizmos from the 1980s :wink: ). And it is well known that F1 drivers have rigorous training programmes to ensure they are at the peak of physical fitness. Judging by the horse riders round my way, the only training they do involves referring to their father as "daddy" and ensuring a VPL when they wrench their jodpers on over their fat bottoms.

So, I put it that so long as Equestrian events are allowed in the Olympics, there must also be motor racing events.

Of course that is a very silly suggestion, but that is my point. Horses have no place in the Olympics, in the same way that Linford Christie has no place running at Kempton Park.

Perhaps as an alternative sport, the riders could walk along BEHIND the horses and shovel up all the poo as they go. This way perhaps non-olympic riders might be inclined to clean up after the bu**ers. I love horses, but if you insist on riding them on the road you should carry a shovel and pull a trailer. :lol:
AdamW said:
Perhaps as an alternative sport, the riders could walk along BEHIND the horses and shovel up all the poo as they go. This way perhaps non-olympic riders might be inclined to clean up after the bu**ers. I love horses, but if you insist on riding them on the road you should carry a shovel and pull a trailer. :lol:
What! And deprive all those gardeners of a freebie? :)