Online doctors appointment system

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
For several years I have used my local surgeries online system for ordering meds, making appointments sometimes. It requires complex username and passwords to log in, but that is filled in automatically by my laptop.

They offer the same software as an app, for the Iphone - except it needed manual entry of login details, each and every time you tried to use Iphone, it was also poorly designed for use on the small screen of a phone - I deleted it.

Today, they offered a new App for the Iphone, which integrates with the usual systmonline system, but without the aggravation of the log in - it sensibly allows login via bio recognition, thumb or facial recognition, after the first login and is much better on a small screen too.

The actual new app - it's called Airmid uk.
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The website you speak of even on a PC etc is a bit clunky and typical of goverent websites, I wonder is there an android version?
Sorry, I faled to mention the name of the actual new app - it's called Airmid uk.

No doubt there will be an Android version, but I suspect you may need to wait for an invitation to use it and link it to systmonline.
Details are here-

Yes. I agree Systmonline is clunky, even on the PC. but it is usable.
It does however require your surgery to actually use the facilities.

I use an online service for mine but the surgery does not do messages, appointments or much else using it.
All I can do is repeat prescriptions.
It does however require your surgery to actually use the facilities.

Quite so. Sysmon gives me access to entire medical record with the surgery, allows me to view available appointments (from 8am, until they all are gone), read and try to make sense of my test results, plus put requests in for my regular meds - though I don't need to even do that any more, since passing that responsibility to an online pharmacy, which puts the order in and delivers them pre-arranged in daily pouches. It also allows me to put special requests in for meds to be prescribed, though I have never done that.

I can also view copies of letters sent to the surgery, by my consultant, which are scanned and stored as part of my record, but I receive paper copies of those sent direct to me anyway. Between the surgery and the hospital/consultant is a chasm. Neither seems to co-operate effectively as one service. I'm in the middle, having to constantly watch what each is up to and keep having to watch and correct the errors of both. For months I have needed a four weekly injection, requested by my consultant. The consultant changed it from four weekly, to eight weekly, 16 weeks/2 injections back. I had the eight weekly injection yesterday and asked the nurse to make me an appointment for the next one in eight weeks. Instead, once home and checking in the appointments, she made me an appointment in just four weeks.

During a phone appointment with a doctor the week before, about my blood pressure - I managed to at last communicate to the doctor and convince her that my active BP goes low and my inactive BP goes high. The opposite to what is normal. Checking my record after the appointment, the doctor had noted on my record that my my BP increases with activity.

In both cases I had to email them asking that they correct the obvious errors.

I'm lucky, I'm all there with my cough drops, with internet access and full access to be able to check - but it makes me wonder how less well equipped people manage?

The Airmid app gives me access to all the above, plus it shows neat line graphs over the years of my BP and test results - whereas the Sysmon just shows the very dry numbers. I had an issue a few month back with elevated potassium level, caused by one BP med, so they changed my med and it was obvious from the graph which showed the level drop back down to a safe level, as soon as the med was changed. They were telling me to avoid bananas and tomatoes at the time, as both are high in potassium. I did breifly, but not for long.
i prefer system on line over the newer one as it includes available appointments "ask for medication"and far less form filling in compared to "ask the receptionist

I hate things which ask you to fill in lots of details, before you can get anywhere. My login to Sysmon on the laptop is entirely automated, I just click on the bookmark, and my username and password are filled in by filled in by Firefox. If I do need to 'ask the receptionist a question' I can simply email them, as I mentioned having to above. They have my email address on file, so they are able to confirm it is me. I also have an optional signature set up in Outlook, which contains my name, phone numbers and NHS number, to make it easy for them to track me down - I can include that with the click of an Outlook button.