Optima keyboard not beeping when buttons are pressed 7

7 Jun 2024
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United Kingdom
Optima keyboard not beeping when buttons are pressed to exit and no countdown sound .Optima keyboard not beeping when buttons are pressed
Is it doing anything at all when you press the buttons?

Momentary power losses and lightning strikes can lock the panels out.

Depending on the age of the panel and whether it has an NVM (Non Volatile Memory), you will either need to power down (battery and mains together) then reinstate power or do a reset by shorting out two terminals inside.
Thank you everyone who replied to my question, first, I am osing 12volt car bulb instead of the noisy alarm siren, is this ok?. Then, did a factory reset then pressed 0123, got beeps, pressed P 0123 no beeps, pressed 8 no beeps pressed new code no beeps X , no beeps ? . Did a quick power down mains then battery, then mains and battery back on, no beeps . Everything is connected OK I only have two doors with new sensors a new battery 1 pir and the siren. Is it the keyboard? Thaank you to everyone who replies. JimN