Optima XM6

24 May 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi all,
I need some advice/help with a puzzle. I disconnected and repositioned a PIR, as the wires were replaced in the tamper circuit terminals the bell box and alarm panels went off. (In enginneer mode). The user code was entered and and the panel was silenced but the bell continued to sound. Attempts to unset with user/customer codes resulted in the panel "locking out".
The NVM was cleared but the tamper light remained lit, tamper loop was measured, 13ohms, a link was fitted in place of the loop but it made no difference. The RKP tamper and the bell tamper were also linked out but the tamper light stays on?
Any ideas?
I take it you are holding the panel tamper switch closed with your finger or whatever while trying to reset this tamper issue ?
but if he took the pir down live i bet he shorted the bell / aux fuse, so there is no tamper return
Thanks for the replies.
Yes, I did "work live" and yes to JohnM, the panel lid was closed.
I will check the fuses and try to reset the NVM again.